Friday, September 7, 2012

Narconon Drug Rehabilitation for the Baby Boomer Generation ...

Day-to-day life in America has gotten more stressful over the past 30 years. More people have to work longer and harder hours to maintain the American standard quality of life. Families with children often have both parents working outside of the home so that they are able to pay for their children?s educational needs as well as extracurricular activities and other expenses. Add that to inflation, and increasing gas prices as well as the increased rate of unemployment and it is easy to see how the stress level in America has risen quite a bit over the past few decades. This increasing stress has affected all generations including the baby boomer generation. Experts agree that the amount of elderly drug and alcohol abusers might be increasing. There are a few factors for this that might be leading to this increase.

Many experts say that in actuality it is not that many seniors are starting new drug habits and becoming addicts, but rather people who already suffered the potential for addiction are just getting older. The baby boomer generation is a generation in which many people experimented with drug use in their late teens and probably socially used drugs throughout their entire adult life. Many baby boomers who have sought treatment for addiction, say that they first began using drugs and alcohol in their late or early 20s or even in their teen years but did not experience addiction or feel that they suffered from addiction until after the age of 48.

Prescription Medication Addiction

There has been a drastic increase in prescription medication addiction in this generation as well. Many seniors may visit their physicians for legitimate physical ailments and receiving prescriptions for opiate pain medication. Opiate pain medications have the potential to be quite addictive and take a short amount of time to become addicted to. Opiates are extremely psychologically as well as physically addictive and can cause severe feelings of depression upon cessation of use.

Baby Boomers May be Hesitant to Seek the Treatment They Need

Many experts worry that people of this generation may be hesitant to reach out for help overcoming an addiction to mind altering substances. Many people of this age often hold the majority of responsibility for their families on their shoulders. They often have aging parents who are no longer able to care for themselves without assistance, while at the same time, may also have children that are still in high school or college who depend on them as well. With all this responsibility, many baby boomers may feel that they cannot take the time for themselves to handle an addiction that they may be suffering from.

They may also worry that by seeking help for an addiction, they will be letting their their family down and at the same time cause undue amounts of stress and pressure that they feel that they could avoid by simply not going and getting the help that they may potentially need. Many experts agree that people of the baby boomer generation have a very high potential to benefit from addiction treatment due to a few key factors.

Often, many people of this age range have families that they love and care for, giving them very good motivation to overcome their addiction. Also many people who suffer from addiction lead very stressful lives due to their addiction and being relieved of this stress by overcoming their addiction, most seniors would appreciate. In addition, many seniors are at an age where they are more open for new ideas and are usually not quite as hard headed as their younger counterparts and so the techniques that they will learn during treatment and therapy they will actually use and benefit from.

Some seniors may also feel apprehensive about going into treatment because many people in treatment are usually quite young. Many seniors may feel uncomfortable going to group meetings with 18 and 25-year-olds who they feel that they have nothing in common with. For this reason the Narconon program can be especially beneficial for these individuals.

Individualized Narconon Addiction Treatment

The Narconon program is an individualized treatment that does not involve group meetings and therapies as the key to recovery. When participants of the Narconon program work with others it is on a one on one basis with one specific partner that they work with throughout their program. Most of the Narconon program consists of individualized self-cognitive courses that are done on an individualized basis with assistance from a counselor rather than in group settings.

The Narconon program also deals with the physical aspect of addiction through the Narconon new life detoxification program. This portion of the program is designed to eliminate physical cravings and greatly reduce mental cravings without the use of drug replacement therapies, surgeries or other invasive techniques. Over time toxins and metabolites can become accumulated in a person?s body from drug use. These toxins and metabolites have the potential to cause severe cravings as well as feelings of unease and diminished health in an individual over a period of time.

The Narconon New Life Detoxification Program is a specific regimen of vitamins that is combined with exercise and sweating in a dry heat sauna that greatly assists a person?s body in flushing out accumulated toxins and metabolites at a much faster rate than would usually be possible. The majority of people who complete this portion of the Narconon program, including seniors, say they have a marked resurgence of well-being and health and at the same time notice a drastic reduction in physical and mental cravings. In some cases these cravings are eradicated altogether.

This phase of the Narconon program is done first so that by the time a person finishes it, they are able to focus on the emotional and social aspects of their addiction without being constantly distracted by feeling unwell and craving more drugs and alcohol. The person then goes on to learn how to take responsibility for life and all the problems that can go along with it and confront these problems without the use of drugs or alcohol. They also learn techniques that will help them to maintain their sobriety in the future. The Narconon drug rehabilitation program is one of the most successful programs in the world with 76% of its graduates achieving success in their sobriety. People from all walks of life have received treatment and benefited from it through the Narconon program. If you or a loved one needs help recovering from an addiction, please feel free to call Narconon today. Experienced, kind and knowledgeable counselors are always available to help assist you and guide you on the path to recovery.


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